Please if you like and use this program, send me $10 (cash or check)
My postal address is:
Arnaud Masson
22 route d'Epinal
88600 Grandvillers
I don't have much time to manage registrations, so you won't have your registration number until I change my registration system...
But the full updated version can be downloaded temporary from my web site
Minimum configuration
- Any PowerMacintosh
- MacOS 8.0 or later
- QuickTime 3 or later
68K Macs (Classic, LC, ...) are not supported anymore, sorry.
Known bugs/features
- Remove old AMP preferences files if you cannot start AMP
- Some configurations don't support the "direct-to-serial" driver (use OMS instead)
- The old "Apple MIDI Manager" is not supported (use OMS instead)
- If you don't have a real MIDI Device or have only an old QuickTime 2.X, you must download and install QuickTime 3.0 (
What's new ?
Ñ 2.9b11
- Compatible with MacOS 8.5.1 (works great with font smoothing)
- You can modify/add program, noteOn, noteOff, pitchBend and text/lyric events
- Double-clicking lyrics in the Score window opens the text event dialog
- Add/delete track commands
- In the "File" menu, "Save As" works but "Save" doesn't work yet
- New command palette and song window layouts
- Fix a bug in the Karaoke pref dialog
- Fix a bug in the jukebox system when the application quits
- Changed sound settings for QuickTime Music (I don't know if it's really better, but it's more like earlier versions of A.M.P)
- Compatible with MacOS 8.5.1 and G3 (including iMac)
- Faster song browser
- Modified karaoke display (this must fix a bug about hilited words with 68k Mac). There may be some problems in scrolling with type-0 karaoke files.
- Modified command panel. The "jukebox" functions (>>, << ...) work again.
- Compatible with QuickTime 3.0 Final.
- The global volume is not reset the maximum (on startup) anymore.
- "Save As╔" works again.
- You can modify text/lyric events
Ñ 2.9b9
- Improved preference dialogs for OMS and Serial Driver (you can now use the Serial Driver on the Printer or Modem port)
- Fixed a serious bug that occured when the tempo is modified (this may causes crashes and a bad display in the command palette)
Ñ 2.9b8
- Fixed a serious bug with QuickTime (the system crashed after some songs)
- Compatible with the new GS set of Roland instruments included in QuickTime 3.0b7 (and later)
- Fixed some bugs in the song browser window (navigation and item drawing).
Ñ 2.9b7
- Corrected a bug that sometimes caused a crash at startup
- The last selected folder in the song browser is saved in the preferences
Ñ 2.9b6
- New QuickTime adapter, compatible with QuickTime 3.0b2
- Modified "Songs" window (like a Finder window, displays folders and files). Multithreaded !
- No more instrument (long!) popup menu, instead super-fast new "instrument picker" palette
- The "sequence" and "random" buttons don't work in this release.
Ñ 2.9b5
- Sysex messages are now sent correctly. This allows XG reset message and enables XG bank select messages.
- OMS support is back !
- Flashing corners in the full screen karaoke mode to show the tempo
- Modified "direct-to-serial" driver
Ñ 2.9b4
- The global sound volume controller is working again
- Internal changes in the MIDI engine in order to improve the application stability
- The WDEF resource is no longer purgeable (this bug caused bombs)
- Improved "direct-to-serial" driver
(This release doesn't support the OMS driver - it will come back soon, in the next release)
Ñ 2.9b3
(No virus !)
Ñ 2.9b2 * this release is contaminated by a MBDF virus ! *
-Fixed a type 1 fatal error that occured at startup with some configurations
-Fixed some display bugs (Score, Synthesizer and Songs windows)
-Fixed a serious bug that crashed the system when the user dropped some text as lyrics on the "Score" window
Ñ 2.9b1
- New "Direct Serial" driver that sends midi messages directly to the printer port (where a midi device must be connected)
- Multiple selection in the Songs window
- Lyrics of Karaoke songs can be edited in the Score window (select&drag-move or drop text from any other application)
- Better error handling
Ñ 2.9a2
- The old Apple Midi Manager, MidiShare and PSS780 are not supported anymore (that must avoid some crashes)
- New popup in the Synthesizer window that displays programs/banks or volume/balance equalizers. The banks are useful for external XG device like the Yamaha MU10 and MU80.
Ñ 2.9a1
- Some optimizations for PowerPC
- The network player feature has been disabled in this release because of technical reasons (ask Metrowerks!)
- Can run on systems without OpenTransport
- The global volume controller works also with General Midi external device
- Interface changes (Score Window╔)
- "Save as" fully implemented (but only program change events can be edited)
- The song is always parsed (it's fast enough on my PowerMac 7200/90)
Ñ 2.9a
- A "program change" event can be modified in a track by clicking on the event description in the event list of the track. This list is displayed after a click on the track number in the "Tracks" window. This setting is not reset when the song restarts (unlike the "Synthesizer" window that shows the actual state of the synthesizer) and can be saved in a new file with "Save As".
- The global sound controller is now in the player palette (not in the "Synthesizer" window)
- New "Save as" command (it isn't fully implemented yet)
- The track score display options are directly enabled in the "Tracks" window (not in a separate window)
- New "Karaoke Preferences" dialog
- The "Add song" command is now "Add songs" (can get several files)
- Scriptable (you can modify programs and controllers and start/stop songs via AppleScript)
- Keyboard input (Mac keyboard or OMS device), but no recording features yet
- Network support (see the document called "About AMP Network"). Now you can play with your friends via the Internet !
- Fixes a bug in the song list that sometimes put folders inside nested folders while they should be on the same level
- Double-clicking a folder in the "Songs" window doesn't display an error but expand/collapse this folder
- Miscellaneous internal modifications in the Midi engine
Ñ 2.8.2b
- A Pitch Bend Sensitivity bug has been fixed
- Fixed a bug about very (!) long meta-events (they are trucated now)
- The current pitch bend sensitivity is now displayed in the channel controllers palette.
- Stereo aware (Pan and Balance controllers work)
- The Expression controller that QuickTime 2.5 doesn't support is emulated by the AMP QT Music driver.
- Color gradation (from blue to yellow) for the Synthesizer window notes
- Nicer piano keyboards
- Global volume controller in the Synthesizer window
- Fixed bugs in the Score view that caused a bad display at the end of the score
- Karaoke words are also displayed in the Score view
- Faster Tracks window text update (avoids user interface slowing down)
- Unique Controllers window (you can change the channel number with the buttons of the Synthesizer window)
Note about RAM & QuickTime
(For QuickTime Music users that don't have much RAM) You must have enough free "system software memory" because QuickTime uses more than 600K in this zone to store its instrument sounds. So in most cases it is a bad idea to increase AMP partition since it decreases the memory available for QuickTime. If QuickTime lacks memory, some tracks won't be played.
Things to do
- Display in real time the name of the chords that are played (Am, A7╔)
- Better support of the QuickTime and OMS
- Support of FreeMidi (if the SDK is available for a shareware programmer like me...)
- Record button and edition commands (Paste, Copy╔)
- Build-in ZIP expander
Ñ For updates, have a look at my WEB page : <>